Saskatchewan Association for Safe Workplaces in Health - Workplace Health and safety: a Priority for All
OHC Level II eCourse for Saskatchewan Healthcare
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Course Selection Price No. of
Incident Investigations in Saskatchewan Healthcare Workplaces $10
Saskatchewan Workplace Inspections in Healthcare $10
Workplace Inspections $10

Note: Once registered, you have 90 days to complete the course(s).

Note: Credit card payment required to complete registration process.
Training recognition
Completing both of these courses is considered "training by an approved agency" for the purposes of section 46(4) of The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 1996. Completing both of these courses is equivalent to completing the 2-day Occupational Health Committee Level II training offered by the Saskatchewan Worker's Compensation Board (WCB).

Online registration for these courses is handled by the
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).

Courses are available in English only.
Multi-seat licenses are available.

Course pricing and availability are subject to change without notice.