Scheduled maintenance - Thursday, July 12 at 5:00 PM EDT
We expect this update to take about an hour. Access to this website will be unavailable during this time.
Molecular formula, molecular weight, physical state, melting point, boiling point, flash point, autoignition point, explosive limits, density, specific gravity, Henry's law constant, PKA, TOD, BOD, COD, conversion factor, odor threshold air, water and taste, aqueous solubility, vapor pressure, and n-octanol/water partition coefficient.
US, Canadian and International data pertaining to acceptable levels in the environment, waste disposal requirements, health and safety guidelines, labelling and transportation is included.
Uses, occurrence, production and methods of synthesis.
Adverse effects such as LD50 or LC50 for test exposures to animals; adverse effects to humans by test compounds; toxicity studieson freshwater aquatic species such as LC50 or EC50; all undertaken in short term tests.
Toxicity studies undertaken in medium to long term time frames,such as NOAELs (No Observed Adverse Effect Levels), MATC (MaximumAdverse Toxicant Concentration), etc.
Information on effects of substances to aquatic and terrestrial plants.
Summaries of studies conducted by NCI/NTP, IARC, NIOSH, EPA.
Effects are reported such as gene mutations, chromosomal aberrations and DNA damage.
Reports of chemical effects on terrestrial animals or humans arereported. NOAELs may be provided if available.
Other effects which may be reported such as aesthetic effects.
Uptake, distribution, biotransformation and elimination in animals.
Bio-uptake of chemicals in aquatic organisms.
Transport of chemicals in the environment including sorption to matter in water, air, soil, sediment or biota (flora and fauna) and volatilization from water or soil.
Reports on studies predicting the fate of chemicals in the environment.
Biodegradation by microorganisms and hydrolysis of compounds
Standard analytical techniques plus water or waste treatment methods, if available.
References to reports cited in the above topic areas.
Summaries from each of the topic areas available in CESARS.
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment assessment and scoring of the chemical.