CCOHS Safe Work App
The CCOHS Safe Work app, developed in collaboration with the Public Health Agency of Canada, provides instant access to all of the CCOHS COVID-19 resources. The app includes industry and sector-specific tip sheets, infographics, videos, and other guidance materials to help workplaces keep workers and customers safe. Once downloaded, there is no need for an internet connection to run the app. More about CCOHS Safe Work App
Partner: Public Health Agency of Canada
Measure Workplace Stress
This app allows users to complete the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) of questions related to work demands, organizational factors, relationships, workplace values, health and safety concerns, stress symptoms and offensive behaviours. The scores and results are provided along with ideas and an action plan to help make positive changes. This app was developed by combining the technological knowledge and communication skills of CCOHS with the clinical expertise and ergonomic content of the Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers (OHCOW). More about Measure Workplace Stress
Partner: Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers (OHCOW)

PainPoint – Prevent Musculoskeletal Disorders
(MSDs) at Work
This app delivers a basic ergonomic assessment by stepping the user through a series of diagrams and questions to pinpoint musculoskeletal pain, identify possible sources, and discover practical solutions. The results are presented on a body map, with recommendations to address work-related MSD hazards that could be contributing to their discomfort. This app is the result of collaboration, combining the technological knowledge and communication skills of CCOHS with the clinical expertise and ergonomic content of the Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers (OHCOW). More about PainPoint – Prevent Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) at Work
Partner: Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers (OHCOW)