
ILO-CIS - Collaboration Network

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What is the CIS Collaboration Network?

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CIS is an abbreviation for “Centre International d'Informations de Sécurité et de Santé au Travail” which means “International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre” in English. The CIS is an information service component of SafeWork, a program dealing with occupational safety and health (OSH) within the International Labour Office (ILO) in Geneva, Switzerland. CIS was established in 1959 with the aim of collecting “new, reliable and significant information published around the world dealing with OSH; to index and summarize this information in order to make it more easily usable; and to disseminate it in the most accessible form possible.” (CIS - Fifty years of history. International Labour Office, Geneva. 2009.)

The Collaboration Network, formerly known as the network of CIS National and Collaborating Centres, provides a basis for collaboration among OSH agencies, institutions and organizations. The Network enhances OSH knowledge and information sharing on prevention through events, workshops, meetings, newsletters, and reports.

Does the CIS Collaboration Network have offices or representatives in other countries?

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The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) is Canada's national resource for occupational health and safety information. As such, CCOHS is a member of the CIS Collaboration Network. In other countries, participating members are generally governmental agencies dealing with occupational health and safety. In some countries there are also some “collaborating centres”. There are more than 120 national agencies that are members of the CIS Collaboration Network.

How do I find out if my country has participating centres?

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The ILO-CIS Collaboration Network has a list of the participating agencies and centres around the world.

  • Fact sheet confirmed current: 2023-05-03
  • Fact sheet last revised: 2017-05-04